意大利忠利农业酿酒集团(Leone Alato S.P.A.)在华子公司
上海华饮贸易有限公司SinoDrink(意大利忠利农业酿酒集团Leone Alato在华资子公司)为国内意大利葡萄酒和烈酒进口商领导者,是专业的意大利葡萄酒供应链营运商 ,拥有来自50多家供应商,遍及意大利20个葡萄酒产区的近400款葡萄酒,也提供精品酒庄游&意大利厨艺游学等服务。华饮SinoDrink的宗旨为意大利文化传播的使者,分享健康而阳光的意大利生活方式。
SinoDrink - ltalian wine specialist with profession, passion and patience - is the daughter company of Leone Alato - the winery group owned by Generali Insurance S.p.a. As a leading Italian wine and spirits importer, SinoDrink has nearly 400 products and more than 50 suppliers from 20 regions of Italy. We also promote winery tours and Italian culinary study abroad programs. SinoDrink aims to introduce fine Italian wines to the Chinese market and share the healthy Italian lifestyle.