意大利葡萄酒专家 Italian Wine Specialist

WINE | 玛氏•星光葡萄酒荣登美国《福布斯》杂志

 2018年8月16日,华饮SinoDrink旗下玛氏酒庄旗舰酒款——玛氏•星光葡萄酒荣登美国著名商业杂志《福布斯》杂志的葡萄酒专栏每周推荐板块该专栏每周从全世界范围内精选不同主题的一款白葡萄酒和一款红葡萄酒进行推荐,并对其主要风味特点进行总结。文章作者Brian Freedman玛氏•星光葡萄酒进行了高度评价,认为其是一款完全不同于传统印象和记忆中的意大利阿布鲁佐Abruzzo地区蒙特布查诺Montepulciano 葡萄酒,拥有非常好的陈年潜力,并具有类似于意大利酒王——巴罗洛(Barolo)葡萄酒的典型香气。

Masciarelli Marina Cvetic Iskra Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Colline Teramane DOCG  2011

玛氏·星光葡萄酒 2011年份

Tasting notes by Brian Freedman: Richly earthy aromas are joined by drying cherry and a hint of blackberry. On the palate, this shows concentrated notes of almost Barolo-like tar, a hint of forest floor, drying roses and cherries, and dusty tannins balanced with acid. The finish brings with it an aromatic lift not unlike Angostura bitters. This idiosyncratic winner promises another five years of life, but it’s great right now as it is.






Challenging Expectations in Italy



It’s easy to get caught in the rut of expectations. This happens with music that artists release, roles that actors play, and wine in equal measure. Which is why I get so excited when I pop the cork from bottles that don’t embody those expectations: With so many wines on the market, sticking with the same-old-same-old all the time just seems like a waste of oenological opportunity.






In the world of Italian wine, there are certain regions and grape varieties whose reputations have grown strong enough that they are associated with a particular style or mode of expression. Montepulciano d’Abruzzo is one of them, a wine whose reputation is that it’s a generally inexpensive red that tends to not reward aging and whose youthful energy often makes it a perfect pairing partner for food like pizza, charcuterie, and light meats.


对于意大利葡萄酒来说,特定的产区和葡萄品种因其本身享有的较高知名度而经常与一些固有印象和风格联系在一起阿布鲁佐地区的蒙特布查诺葡萄酒(Montepulciano d’Abruzzo)就是其中之一,通常被认为是一款价格适中,不需要经过长时间陈年的葡萄酒,它的年轻与活力常常使它可以与比萨、熟食和清淡肉类等食物完美搭配。



My red wine of the week defies expectations. The Masciarelli Marina Cvetic Iskra Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 2011, from the DOCG of Colline Teramane, is not like that at all. It’s crafted from 45-year-old vines grown at a little more than 700 feet above sea level, aged in barrel for 12 months and then in the bottle for a further 24 months. This particular vintage was released in 2014, and it is singing right now. It's available online and on wine lists, and if you see it, snap it up immediately.

然而,这周品鉴的2011年份的玛氏·星光葡萄酒非常出乎我的意料,它来自DOCG级别的Colline Teramane产区,完全不同于阿布鲁佐地区传统印象中的蒙特布查诺葡萄酒。酿制此款玛氏星光葡萄酒的葡萄选自生长在海拔220余米、拥有45年树龄的老藤,葡萄酒发酵结束后在橡木桶里陈酿12个月,再瓶陈24个月。因此,这一2011年份的酒款直至2014年才正式面向大众,目前正处于最佳适饮期,可在各线上平台及餐厅酒单上找寻其身影,若你恰巧碰到,那么务必要一品其口感。



* 这款玛氏·星光葡萄酒出产自意大利中部阿布鲁佐大区:Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Colline Teramane DOCG


This exuberantly idiosyncratic red defiesexpectations with its delicate juxtaposition of forest floor and tar notesalongside blackberry, drying cherry and roses, and a spice that reminds me of the aromatic lift you get from Angostura bitters. It’s a deeply complex wine that, though it still has time left to continue evolving, is in a very good place right now, and worth enjoying immediately. It’ll challenge what you thought you knew about Montepulciano d’Abruzzo in the best possible way.


这款极其独特的红葡萄酒完全打破了我的心理预期,它巧妙地将森林地表和焦油的味道与黑莓、干樱桃和玫瑰混合在一起,香料的香气让我不禁想起安格斯特拉苦酒(Angostura Bitters)的芳香。这是一款非常复杂的葡萄酒,并且随着陈年的时间还会继续发展出更多香气,目前它已经处于绝佳状态,值得马上开瓶享用。相信它将以一种最好的方式挑战你对阿布鲁佐产区的蒙特布查诺红葡萄酒原有的一些想法和认知。






food, wine, drinks, and travel writer, restaurant and beverage consultant, wine educator, and event host and speaker. Editor-in-Chief of Drink Me Magazine and restaurant critic and drinks columnist for Philadelphia Weekly.


美食美酒旅行作家、高级餐厅顾问、从事葡萄酒教育及演说等。《Drink Me》杂志主编,《费城周报》餐厅推荐和美酒点评专栏作家。





Masciarelli Marina Cvetic Iskra Colline Teramane DOCG



葡萄品种:Montepulciano 蒙特布查诺 100%



Dark ruby red turning to blue; very intense and complex in bouquet; full and spicy flavour ( wild berries - red and ripe fruit – blackberry ) ; Paring with roasted lamb – strong taste and well built dishes – rich food.



GAMBERO ROSSO “3 glasses”    意大利大红虾 “三杯奖”

ROBERT PARKER 94 points    罗伯特·帕克 94分

FALSTAFF MAGAZINE 93 points    《福斯塔夫》杂志 93分